Endless Earning

Problem with Traditional Energy Systems

Traditional energy systems in games, like the "20/20" format, impose a cap on the number of games a player can engage in within a given time period. Here's how it typically works:

  • Energy Points: Players have a limited amount of energy (e.g., 20 points).

  • Gameplay Restriction: Each game session consumes a certain amount of energy.

  • Energy Depletion: Once the energy is depleted, players must wait for it to regenerate or purchase more to continue playing.

  • Impact on Engagement: This system forces players to stop playing when their energy runs out, which can disrupt the gaming experience and diminish player engagement and satisfaction.

Our Solution: Endless Earning Potential

To create a more engaging and continuous gameplay experience, we propose an Endless Earning Potential model. This innovative approach removes the traditional energy cap, allowing players to keep earning rewards without interruption. Here's how it works in detail:

How Endless Earning Works

  1. Continuous Play: Players can continue playing and earning rewards as long as they can sustain their gameplay.

  2. Defeat and Recovery Options: When a player is defeated, they are not immediately cut off from playing. Instead, they are presented with several options to continue:

    • Wait 24 Hours: Players can wait 24 hours to automatically resume their game.

    • Watch an Advertisement: Players can choose to watch one daily advertisement to immediately revive and continue playing.

    • Buy Back Option: Players can spend in-game tokens to revive and continue from the point they were defeated.

Last updated