
"Guardians Of The Spark" Guilds Overview

Purpose and Establishment:

  • Guilds go beyond a mere social structure, holding true meaning and utility within the game's ecosystem.

  • To establish a guild:

    • Players need to acquire a dedicated NFT planet from the marketplace.

    • Inject 100,000 Spark tokens to solidify its foundation.

  • This significant investment:

    • Ensures that guild creation is purposeful.

    • Discourages casual or uncommitted formations.

Guild Governance:

  • Guild owner and top validators (those with the highest tokens earned from quests) play a crucial role.

  • Responsibilities include:

    • Deciding on new additions or removals from the guild.

    • Ensuring a dynamic and engaged community.

Guild Activities and Quests:

  • Guilds actively participate in daily, weekly, and monthly quests.

    • Provides opportunities for members to earn tokens.

    • 70% of tokens earned from quests contribute to the guild's shared pool, while players receive 20% directly.

  • A leaderboard tracks:

    • The amount of tokens collected by each guild.

    • The number of quests completed by each guild.

Member Interactions:

  • Guild members can send tokens, gold, and items to each other.

  • Guilds should help new members by boosting them and assisting them in passing levels.

  • Validators:

    • Members holding the most tokens.

    • Have the authority to accept new players and remove members.

Exclusivity and Value:

  • Limited availability of 400 NFT planets:

    • Signifies the exclusivity of guilds.

    • Emphasizes quality over quantity.

  • The initial 100,000 Spark tokens invested in the guild's planet are locked:

    • Reinforces a commitment to the guild's existence.


  • Guilds are strategic investments, exclusive communities, and collaborative powerhouses.

  • They have a true impact on the game's economy and player experience.

  • This innovative approach makes guilds integral components of the game's dynamic and interconnected ecosystem.

Last updated